Wednesday, April 22, 2009


grouse (grous) v. To grumble: complain. Various plump game birds of the family Tetraonidae with brownish plumage. [ LINK: ]
There are movies we love to hate, and movies we despise.
I'm a bad film buff, and for me there's nothing more relaxing than having another good laugh over director Ed Wood’s Bride of the Monster. [LINK: BRIDE OF THE MONSTER: ]
So much to enjoy: Bela Lugosi wrestling with an obviously rubber octopus. A befuddled police inspector scratching his head with a loaded gun. Cardboard space ships dancing oh-so unconvincingly on puppet strings. By any and all measures the worst film ever made.
Ed Wood made Bride of the Monster for about 25 cents, and he put all 5 nickels on the screen. It looks cheap and tawdry because it is cheap and tawdry. Bride doesn’t just strain credulity; it grinds credulity into the ground. Graveyards don’t have Astroturf; tombstones aren’t supposed to wobble. Superior Beings bent on world domination do not throw tantrums and scream “Your stupid minds! Stupid, stupid!” But in Ed’s flickering world, they do. Especially in his most delirious opus Plan 9 From Outer Space. [LINK: PLAN 9: ]
But I've yet to meet anyone who's said "I know Sylvester Stallone’s Rhinestone is dumb, that's why I love it. I've seen it fourteen times already."
Mariah Carey in Glitter. Ben Affleck’s case of the Gigli’s. Madonna gets Swept Away. Ready to wretch? Cutthroat Island and other turkeys cost more than the GNP of most third world countries. Who has that much money to waste?
Joe Multiplex plunks down 10 smackers per ticket (plus another 15 for Goobers and Jujubes) under the misguided notion that he's in for some dandy entertainment. No. He's about to get rear-ended.
Two hours later, Joe trundles out with his pants are on fire. He wonders about company downsizing - maybe he's next. And he just gave his money away to people who don't need it. He's mad as hell, and he's not gonna take it anymore. But he will anyway. He’ll spend it again on the next Jackass.
[LINK: ]